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What is OCIA?
A process to introduce the teachings of the Catholic Church to
individuals who wish to learn more, including the opportunity to join
the Church. The OCIA process invites participants to grow in their
understanding of the Catholic Church, its teachings and way of life.  It is
focused on Jesus Christ and coming to know him more deeply.  The
process is marked by prayer, study, fellowship and the celebration of
Rites at Mass.  


Am I obligated to complete the process?
The OCIA process is considered your personal spiritual journey. The
OCIA Team is there to support you along the way. If, at any point prior
to initiation, you chose to no longer participate in the process, then your
decision will be respected, and you will have no further obligation.


How do I sign up for OCIA?
To sign up, you can register on-line, or download a registration form
from this web site, fill it out and mail it to the address indicated on the
form. You can also pick up a registration form at the parish office at 211
Atlantic Ave, Shreveport, La (Mon-Thurs, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.; Friday:
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 noon) or call 318-865-3581 and request a form, and
one will be mailed to you.


When and where are OCIA sessions held?
OCIA sessions are held each Tuesday evening in the Family Life Center.

We meet from 6:45 p.m. to 8:15 p.m.

What is the format of the sessions?
The sessions typically begin with Scripture Reflection, followed by a
teaching, questions and answers, and small group discussion.


What is the cost of attending OCIA?
There is no cost to you to attend OCIA. The OCIA team presents the
sessions, socials and retreat for all those who attend OCIA.


May I bring my spouse/fiancée to the sessions?
Yes. We encourage your spouse/fiancé to register as a Sponsor and
attend the sessions with you.


Is childcare available during OCIA?
Yes.  Childcare is available for children of OCIA participants who are 6
months through 12 years of age. There is no cost. The children will be in
the St. Joseph nursery, which is only a short distance from the OCIA
meeting room.


If I have been baptized in another church, will I be baptized again?
In most cases, you do NOT need to be baptized again. The Catholic
Church requires that you were baptized with water, in the name of the
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We will request a copy of your baptismal
certificate or other proof of baptism from the church where you were
baptized.  Proof of baptism may include a church letter, a membership
record indicating that you were baptized, etc.


Will a sponsor be provided or do I have to find one myself?
Don’t worry about it. We have people who graciously volunteer to fulfill
the Sponsor role. They will attend the sessions with you.


Do I have to attend every session?
OCIA is a building-block process and each session builds on the one
before. However, we realize that there may be situations that would
cause someone to miss. Therefore, absences are handled on a case-by-
case basis. If you must miss a session, arrangements can be made to
provide you with a copy of the notes from the session. We ask that you
notify us in advance, if possible, any time you are going to miss.


Can a Catholic in good standing attend in order to learn more about their faith?
Yes, all are invited. Please register as well.


Who can I call or email in order to learn more about RCIA at St. Joseph?
You may call or contact:
Jim Beadles, 318-470-9694, e-mail at



Monday – Thursday: 9:00 am – 4:00 pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed

Rev. Jerry Daigle, Jr.
Associate Pastor
Rev. Gabriel Cisneros Campos

Church Office - (318) 865-3581


Family Life Center & Office:

211 Atlantic Avenue

Shreveport, LA 71105


Church & Adoration Chapel

204 Patton Avenue

Shreveport, LA 71105


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