Mass Schedule
Daily Mass: 8:15 AM
Saturday: 4:00 PM
Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 12:30 PM, 6:00 PM
7:30-8:00 AM Monday - Saturday
5:00-6:00 PM Wednesday
2:30-3:30 PM Saturday
(excluding Holy Days and holidays)
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Celebrating 75 years of St. Joseph Parish!

We, the members of St. Joseph Catholic Church, are called to a living faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ. As a community of disciples, we worship God and reflect upon His love, goodness, and teachings. We promote and deepen our Catholic faith through the proclamation of the Gospel, lifelong Catholic education, and participation in the Sacraments. We serve God through stewardship of our parish, our Catholic school, and outreach to those in need, helping to build the kingdom of God. All these works are accomplished through our union with the
Holy Father and our Bishop, while relying on the intercession of our patron, St. Joseph.
It was great seeing so many people come out to enjoy St. Nick's Feast & Gumbo Cook-Off this year. Thank you to all of our gumbo participants for making plenty of delicious gumbo for everyone!
Congratulations to this year's Gumbo Cook-Off winners:
1st Place: Jude Armand
2nd Place: Oneil Granger
3rd Place: Clayton Cobb
Fan Favorite: Ann Matherne